
Gesellschaft für Phytopathologie mbH Konstanz

For more than 20 years of research in the field of plant protection and microbiology.

Development of resistance tests

Phytopathogenic fungi cause major damage worldwide and reduce food production in agriculture. That is why chemical fungicides are repeatedly applied to many crops. A lot of pathogens, however, adapt to these active ingredients and become resistant.

We have adopted a test system established at the University of Constance for the apple scab pathogen (Venturia inaequalis) and have 20 years of experience with and comparative data from this test system at our disposal. We were also involved in the detection of resistances of the scab fungus against sterol biosynthesis inhibitors, anilinopyrimidines and strobilurins in the Lake Constance area. In a research project we could establish a field specific resistance monitoring for grey mould (Botrytis spp.) in strawberries. Since 2017 we offer this test as a service.

Would you also like to work in this field and can you imagine to cooperate? Then we would be delighted if you contact us.